How can the technical standard of the building help reduce the spread of infection? Answers to questions about the use of VENTILATION and AIR CONDITIONING. Description of the basic measures to enable employees to return to their offices safely.
Dear tenants,
The health of your employees is our number one priority. Most of you have specific internal rules on how to prevent COVID-19 in your companies. In addition to prioritizing work from home, however, it is also necessary to consider whether the conditions for the safe return of employees to offices are met.
The basic standards that must be kept in offices include: wearing face masks, keeping safe distances, hand cleanliness, disinfecting surfaces, determining the maximum number of people in rooms, minimizing meeting in common areas, contactless access, etc.
But how can the building’s technical standard help reduce the spread of infection?
Supplying fresh air and reducing the concentration of potential viruses in offices, according to experts, is the most important factor in limiting the spread of the virus.
Many office buildings do not have the possibility of ventilation through windows, or have out-dated air conditioning, in which the exhaust air is mixed with the supply air. This allows a huge risk to the spread of the virus.
Our building has one of the highest quality air conditioning systems in Slovakia. Supply air is 100% outdoor fresh air that passes through a set of filters and is heat treated to room temperature. This air does not mix with the air that is removed from the rooms, so it does not circulate. The amount of fresh air supplied is even twice as large as the recommended hygiene standards. In this way, the possibility of the infection spreading is reduced.
According to expert recommendations, air conditioning should be turned off during epidemics. In air conditioners, fungi, bacteria and viruses multiply. But how to ensure thermal comfort in offices without air conditioning?
The EcoPoint building does not have classic air conditioning, but it cools and heats using the latest technologies – active ceilings. No condensation is produced and therefore viruses are not spreading. This cooling and heating system is 100% safe.
Motion sensors for switching on lights, automatic doors at the entrance to the building, remote temperature control are standard in the EcoPoint building.
Disinfection of handles and common areas, regular replacement of filters, disinfection of elevators and air conditioning pipes with ozone are our operating standards to fight the spread of COVID-19.
Flexible layout of spaces in EcoPoint allows additional division of larger offices and spaces into smaller units so that there is no concentration of a larger number of people in one place. If you are interested, we will be happy to advise you on how it is possible to subdivide the premises.
Dear tenants,
The EcoPoint building is one of the buildings in Slovakia with the highest evaluation of the quality of the indoor environment. The building is taken care of by the multinational company ENGIE. Its employees in Košice have set up building management systems at the European level. They have the latest knowledge on how to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our premises.
We are ready to do everything for the health of your employees. In case of questions and requirements, we are here for you.
Yours sincerely
EcoPoint, s.r.o.